Pint Of Poetry

Pint Of Poetry

Pint of Poetry

February 26th- headline slot is local slam poet Aiden Surridge.

March 26th- Launch of Phil Dunkerley's new collection of poetry, Blades of Grass. Phil Dunkerley, a Pint of Poetry regular since 2013, is launching his third collection of poems on Wednesday 26th March at the regular POP meeting, in the Gallery, starting at 7:30 p.m. The collection, called 'Blades of Grass', contains 44 of Phil's own poems plus 6 of his translations of Spanish and Portuguese poems. All the proceeds of the first 100 copies will go to Papworth Hospital charities in memory of Phil's friend, Steve Cawte, the founding editor of 'Impspired' press. The cover price will be £10, but anything extra will be much appreciated as a contribution to the Papworth good cause.


April 30th- Stamford Poet Laureate- final line up plus open mic; see website for entry details.




Pint of Poetry

The last Wednesday of every month in our Gallery Bar 7.30pm  Stamford poets (and budding poets) perform live stand-up poetry. Enjoy reading aloud to an appreciative crowd. Or if you prefer, simply enjoy the poetry of others over a drink. All are welcome!

Book Tickets

  • Wed 26 February -25 June

Starts 7.30pm

Free entry

 Gallery Bar- put your name down to read on arrival, no need to book in advance.


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